
kindergarten empty nest syndrome

yep. i have it.  a pre-emptive kindergarten empty nest syndrome.  my youngest dares turn 5 next week and i can't believe they'll all be gone from my nest for 7 hrs every weekday.  sometimes i find myself staring at her and even smelling her hair (kinda weird yes), i know i'm spoiling her, and every once in a while, my cheek feels a tear running down it.

a millenials move

dave bought a car... online.  not having seen it, he sent a check in the mail to a catchy- phrased web address.

and... it actually came!

like sisters

these 3 cuties are wrapping up a pretty great year together.  their mommies, united with worry about keeping them busy, coordinated a carefully planned schedule.  they see each other for at least 3 hrs every day and in the process have practically become sisters.

a word about pain threshholds

all 3 kids got sick and all 3 kids then got an infection (2 earaches and a sinus infection).  all 3 were affected and all 3 were uncomfortable.  but this girl... this girl... set out to prove what we'd already wondered might be true.

friends who sweat together...

stacy and i have perfectly aligned our workout schedule.  we sweat together every single day!  (and we take a spin class from our instructor friend, Sheri and a HIIT class from our instructor friend, Lora. )  so grateful for the boost of motivating friends!

the hobbies that keep us hectic

kindin doesn't walk anymore, she does back walkovers and cartwheels everywhere she goes.  she is often complimented on the ease in which she twirls around.

jack's in his 6th season of soccer and this run up the field made me proud! this, right here, shows a real soccer game- complete with passes, following off-sides rules, and teamwork.

dalia started a fancy dancers class at the ymca.  my intention was to keep her busy but in addition to being a fashionista with a crown, i think she might have a real knack for it. (she can be heard reciting, 'tap that toe in the back' with every curtsy)

cousin crushing

she doesn't admit it, but she sure does love her cousin luke.

just call him superdad

dave volunteered to be jack's flag football coach despite it being in the middle of tax season!

 and he was the only father at the daddy daughter dance actually dancing with his girl scout!

my easter peeps

the best spa-rty ever

for kindin's birthday this year, i didn't ask for her party planning advice.  (to be honest, i rarely do)  but i was a bit nervous.  i wondered if a spa theme would be engaging enough.  there really wasn't much to the night.  it was the easiest party to plan and the easiest to carry out.  the girls required very little help, were happy to have unstructured gab time, and enjoyed feeling pseudo-mature.  the spa music in teh background even made for the quietest party i've ever thrown!   the spa-rty was a hit!