
new family, new tradition

you may remember my post last summer about our family's end of the day, beat the heat, together time tradition.  this year, with a new family makeup, our activity is this....

(stover girl asks to lead the way, stover boy races to keep up, and stover baby tags along in the bjorn)

ps. the 4:00 pm dip in the kiddie pool still stands!


Shanda said...

biking with the bjorn?? you are super mommy on wheels!!

Shirley said...

Is the sitting in the bjorn while mom is riding a bike as good as the car seat?

Sarah boo said...

This is totally goofy to say, but it looks like you should raise your seat up a little bit. I'm sure having the baby in between your legs a little bit is making your knees go a bit funny, but it looks like you might be more comfortable if your seat was a bit higher. Silly comment, I know. Love you!