
a sweatshirt tribute

today, the thermostat looked like this:

so i looked like this:

this sweatshirt has been with me to greet cooler weather for the past 14 years. it has helped me survive 3 pregnancies and post-baby bodies (it's 1997 style fit is quite forgiving); it has accompanied 14 seasons of holiday baking (without a stain i might add); its functionality for bra-less door answering is unmatched (info you didn't want to know but crucial); it has served as thermal layering for a variety of blizzard-like conditions (think breckenridge and the canyons) not to mention its operation as a winter coat (desert dwellers needing cold-weather clothing).

i'll admit even to its nay-sayers (aka stover dad) that it is tattered and ill-fitting. but i have yet to find a suitable replacement. so until then... cheers to year 15!

1 comment:

JLJ said...

A quality sweatshirt is a lifelong friend. And I'm ready to welcome back those oversized 90's styles any day.