
hello: middle America

hello: 84% humidity (there are still twice daily showers!)
hello: grass (the kids primary complaint is that they 'miss the dirt')
hello: beds with more than one blanket (jack referred to the amount of bedding as 'silly'.)
hello: quarter-sized bum inflammation from bug of unknown origin
hello: overly pronounced vowel sounds
hello: weathered, cracked roads
hello: blue water towers
hello: cloud-filled sky (Kindin: 'how can we see clouds on earth if they are in space?')
hello: menus with 'pop' vs. drink/ soda
hello: basements
hello: squirrels and bunnies
hello: 'christmas trees' as curb appeal
hello: two-man dish duty (an air dry won't substitute for a towel)
hello: relaxing standards of home security
hello: casual work attire
hello: gas stations universally equipped with carwashes
hello: 8:57 sunset time
hello: rolling hills (the car is a rollercoaster simulator)
hello: unorganized park gatherings of stay at home moms


lindsay said...

And hello: family, right? Glad things are going well. We really need to catch up sometime. And when ARE you coming for a visit?

Unknown said...

what? no organized park day? a travesty!

cookiemonsters said...
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cookiemonsters said...

Hello dear friend!

We don't even have park day right now! Nobody is here.