
i don't like it but....

i don't like it but... kindin is growing up!  she asked to get her ears pierced about a year ago and it totally caught me off gaurd- this unanticipated, mature request.  i didn't know how to respond so i spent the next year on my knees ruminating about the growing up she's doing.  of course i was worried about some inexperienced claire's chic making a crooked hole, getting some massive superbug infection, and girly clumsiness resulting in a ripped ear hole.  but, if i'm being 100% honest, i just wasn't ready for a little girl wanting some maturity.  with the consultation of a dear friend in the same boat, i finally agreed to this coming of age ritual.  (and kindin was ecstatic to get her ears pierced with a fun friend!)  

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Look at you! I made J wait until 8, which is just around the corner, and now she is having second thoughts...