
the great niobium experiment

Nb: I really enjoyed the periodic table in middle school but, in all of my memorizing, I have no recollection of niobium.  once unknown to me, niobium is now a hot commodity (or should I say element?) in the parry household.  it all started with a few unsuccessful trials with a variety of different earrings (we'll call them 'variables').   kindin's ears never truly accepted her white gold starter set and reacted more severely to her second, third, and fourth sets of varying compositions.  after hours of wiki/ yahoo/ google fact-checking and consultations with the experts at claire's  (I know- extremely calculated deduction methods), it sounds like kindin is not only allergic to nickel and some metals but alloys in general.  and although the obvious, immediate answer is purchasing high karat gold earrings- have you ever price checked that?  and have you ever tried to find a pair congruent with 7 yr. old tastes?  there had to be another answer to kindin's ear sensitivities.  so, I 'researched' (translated loosely) and nobium emerged as a fairly easy answer to her troubles.  (aside from being able to step into target and just buy earrings at a reasonable price like any normal person! note: scientific sarcasm)  i will say my bibliography heavily sources a miss Maggie from an unknown town in florida but she seemed to know what she was talking about.  so, a hopeful mother (ahem scientist) wanting to increase her sad little girl's chance of success with earrings, sent $53 to an unknown niobium artist.  kindin squealed for joy when Maggie's creations appeared in the mailbox; her 'wear earrings again' claim was tested immediately.  and within days, the oozing, discomfort, and itching stopped!  In fact, the subject reports that she doesn't even feel like she has earrings in.  the great niobium experiment appears to have really worked!


Unknown said...

Evidence that it's been too long since we've seen you: I was reading this post with Vanna by my side and I asked her if she knew who was in the picture. Her reply was, "Um...Kindle?"

Close. Real close.

Elisa said...

What a pretty girl. I won't be surprised if Eden has the same problem when her ears get pierced down the road. Mine were always super sensitive. Now I can piggy back off your scientific exploration.