
talking out loud!

one of my biggest hopes for my kids is that they can talk out loud - that is, speak comfortably in public.  so as jack neared the end of his second year in primary (the safe haven, if there ever was one, of talking out loud!) without having yet had a talking out loud opportunity, I took the matter into my own hands.  I ever- so- gently suggested to the primary president that jack be given the assignment.  with no result, i had to be a bit more suggestive than that and I was.  when I was asked to have kindin speak (yet again), I politely countered that I wanted jack to accept the assignment.  jack wasn't thrilled about talking out loud but we hammered out a gratitude talk he approved of and practiced over and over.  when he stood up in said safe haven (primary) to speak, he had a huge, sly, embarrassed grin on his face.  dave and I were so proud when he insightfully recognized that a very audible deep breath was needed before he began!  he spoke loud enough to hear and had memorized it perfectly.  he did great!  I begged dave to sneak a picture but he wouldn't (okay, fine, its NOT reverent) so these momentos will have to suffice:

"Apostles talk about gratitude.  The scriptures talk about gratitude.  And we talked about gratitude in family night.   This is our gratitude list.  At first it was hard but then it was easy to come up with 40 things because we practiced.  4 things I want to share are: grasshoppers, banana bread, tv, and cousins.  I know that Heavenly Father is happy when we remember all that he has done for us!  In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen."

on that note....
every week, kindin's teacher hosts an optional show n tell and I couldn't be happier!  I am so happy kindin has an additional safe haven for practicing her talking out loud skills.  every Thursday night, I eagerly remind her (and sometimes force her), to find something meaningful to share.  this week, she proudly brought in her deposit book from her very own savings account!  (can you believe she asked for one on her own? such a cute little saver like her dad!) 


Jennie Ellison said...

Glad you kept to the rules and didn't take pictures :) Everyone looks so cute!

JLJ said...

What a great, heart-felt talk.

I haven't been very good about formally talking to my kids about money. But the other day Lily was asking lots of questions about banks, lending, credit and eventually she put it all together that she could make money by opening a savings account. So she did! It was pretty fun, but mostly a big wake up call that I need to get serious about teaching my kids about money. So good for Kindin! She's ahead of the game.