
our eccentricities

- continues to kiss us on the lips and begs us to tuck her in every night.  in fact, her nightly bedtime stalling tactics are professional grade!

- shows caring in a creative, craftsy way.

-has recently endured her 7th pulled tooth- with the help of valium.

- devours his entire daily water intake after 8 pm.  can't seem to be bothered by a drink at any other time but lies in his bed at night sipping multiple bottles full of water.

- recently picked holes through 4 shirts in a matter of 1 week.  worried he'd get in trouble when bored at school, he picked at his shirts to stay out of trouble.  remember shaun white? (http://stoverstreetfam.blogspot.com/2015/02/the-shaun-white-collection.html)  i pulled out the big guns to eradicate this behavior- all beloved shaun white articles were taken away until he stopped.

- came to me devastated and in tears one day.  without precipitation, he broke down and expressed his frustrations about getting married. "mom, i don't want to have to buy a wedding ring.  it's no fair that boys have to use all their money to pay for stupid sparkly things."

- is obsessed with strawberry shortcake.  she knows every single character and their animal!  hardly able to be convinced to watch anything else, she has also memorized the theme song.

- has cleverly learned the art of getting what she wants.  with a very gracious approach, she says, 'i need to ask you something.  you can say yes or no but...'


Unknown said...

Stupid sparkly things! I am going to laugh all day about that one. These kiddos of yours are so sweet, funny, and amazing...they truly are wonderful little extensions of their awesome parents.

Mama Megs said...

Aw! I haven't looked at yours (or anyone's) blogs in sooo long! This made my heart ache for you and your kiddos. They really are such sweethearts! Miss you friend!!