
keeping caramels?

amidst the holiday chaos, i found myself wondering what can i cut next year to simplify christmas

it won't be christmas cards because it ensures a cherished family photo every year

it can't be the annual yw christmas party (or its elaborate planning)

i wouldn't omit the missionary experience with friends at the temple's gingerbread display
i was very tempted to cut the annual christmas party i let each child host but that tends to be my love language

and i treasure the yearly ornament exchange i have with an A list set of friends so that's not likely

...then i figured it out!  caramels!  my diet doesn't allot for it anyhow and i definitely don't want junk in return.  yes, that's it!  i'm cutting the caramels for 2016.  and then... jack came home with this:  

i think i'm keeping caramels...  

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oh goodness, I found myself wondering the same thing this year! I did end up cutting out neighbor/co-worker treats which was kind of great. The kids don't usually help too much with those, so I didn't have to feel guilty about it. :) And Christmas shopping was seriously toned down this year (which I also loved) since the kids' big Christmas gift was passes to Knott's Berry Farm.