
mom takes on Madonna (10/2018)

I've had 10 months to reflect on the changes that have come to my life and to our family as a result of my return to the workforce in December 2017. While it only recently feels like I'm able to keep my head above water and there are still adjustments needed, I'm beginning to see indicators that we WILL make it through to the other side.
  • growing comfort with social invites rather than overwhelming dread
  • I found time to host a Halloween gathering
  • now averaging 3-4 home cooked meals/ week 
  • a string of a few successful dieting days in a row
  • signing up for PTO duty recently
  • I'm not bringing work home in order to catch up  
The last 10 months have turned everything upside down but my days are rich, meaningful, and satisfying. I have always felt that social work is a big part of my life's purpose and I know that the work I do makes a big difference. There are times where doubt still creeps in but I wake up every day wanting to go to work, blessed by a husband's flexible job that miraculously covers all the major crossings, and have witnessed my children accepting and appreciating responsibility in a brand new way.

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