
dolly's tribe (5/2021)

Dolly found her people at the nail salon. In fact, Dalia herself was the main attraction.  The manicurist was entertained, the people behind her were giggling and Dolly was smiling ear to ear.  For her, the process of it all was just as exciting as the end result. In fact, her nails took much longer than mine or Kindin's did and we both sat in awe at how much she was truly loving it. Her and her manicurist discussed how the glitter would show off extra under the stage spotlights are her upcoming dance recital, they posited to wave with her hands backwards to show off her nails, and even discussed how the sound of freshly done nails clicking was the perfect base for a horror movie. As soon as we got into the car afterwards, Dolly said, "That was so fun... Can we go back?"  

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