
a shmorgishborg of fun

stover fam loves the fair.... what's not to love?  love trying crazy food like a donut burger and grazing the usuals too like corndogs and funnel cakes.  love the automatic smile from a thrilling ride.  love the constant buzz of people and loud, blaring music.  love trying to win at the impossible carnival games.  and love an evening out with hubby at the demolition derby.  this year was accompanied with another love.... love having omi (another sucker for the fair- especially the bearded lady) and grandpa here to share it with.


1 comment:

Sarah boo said...

I think that John and Renee go to more fairs than anyone I know. I know for sure that they went with us, Chad's family, and you guys. All separately. I love fairs too. I didn't get to go this year because the baby was only a week or so old. I miss the corn dogs.