
a scary, scary halloween

this black cat got a big boy bed just in time for halloween!  (oh how stover mom had cherished his crib- the security of having children confined to a well-defined sleep schedule is the hidden joy of parenting.)  as much as i didn't want to threaten his established sleep habits, i had a realization that stover boy will soon visit his grandparents for both holidays and will need to be acquainted with a big bed in order to manage his holiday sleep.  with only a few weeks before departure, plans had to be made hastily.  there could be no mulling this one over as we did for stover girl with carefully made plans to include a family night about sleeping rules, gift-wrapped incentives, and predetermined consequences.  instead the planning process was a bit scarier: we hastily bought a new bed with an ensured same-day delivery, set up the bed amidst halloween party preparations, allowed one last nap in the crib, ran to the store to search for an incentive that would get good sleeping results, and waved the fancy incentive in front of a very tired boy at 9:00 pm as we put him to bed. 
has it been as scary as i thought it might be?  no...black cat has come out of his room a few times when he was supposed to be sleeping but is easily coaxed back to bed.

...i'm still a bit scared though!


Mama Megs said...

You're so prepared!! I love it-a girl after my own heart. Looks like Jack-e-boy is doing good-congrats!

JLJ said...

He looks like he is loving his first step toward independence and manhood!