
apologies to savanna

who's savanna you ask? she's the unpictured older sister of this baby surrrounded by the stover kids. 

both savanna and her infant sister came over for a playdate but the entire first hour sounded something like this:

S: when are you gonna play with ME?
S: who wants to play with ME?
S: will you play with ME?

followed by responses from stover girl that sounded like this:

'in a minute'
'no, not right now'
'no thanks'

and stover boy's chants of 'Lexa, hey Lexa'

sorry savanna... apparently stover kids are ready to welcome stover baby!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hopefully Stover Kids will be content waiting for non-playing baby to become interactive and "fun." Let me know if you need to trade babies for a while. :)