
nose picker vs. booger pusher

stover girl has recently begun to experiment with nose picking and sometimes excessively so.  stover mom was horrified to walk by the CTR class and notice her little girl with a finger up her nose.  stover mom is disgusted when she's handed a picked goodie to dispose of while walking through a store.  and stover mom is a bit perplexed when stover girl has accidentally given herself a bloody nose.

...yesterday, stover boy demonstrated the opposite extreme and stover mom was equally horrified, disgusted and perplexed.  while wrestling vigorously with dad, he ended up accidentally blowing a booger to the edge of his nose.  stover dad reports not having a second to respond before stover boy instinctively pushed that booger right back up his nose not wanting to be bothered by it.

what's worse- nose picking or booger pushing?   


Sarah boo said...

Booger pushing. Because then you risk snorting it too high up and having it go down your throat and swallowing it.

Us said...

Ha ha. Nose picking is way worse and the bloody nose that follows is way messier and grosser than both.

It was so good to talk to you today, even though I was a mis dial. Congrats on the bun in the oven.

I'll make sure to check out your blog now so I can stay updated on the fun news.


Elisa said...

Oh gross. So many joys.

Mama Megs said...

Ahh the joys of boys. Those who only have girls will never know the thrills they give us ;)

Holly said...

Booger eating is the worst--that's what Jordan does-yuck!

Shirley said...

Blech. Both sound unpleasant. Not looking forward to that. But if I had to choose, I'd say nose picking is worse. At least I can delay dealing with it if it's pushed back up the nose?