
clueless desert dweller

the other night stover boy woke up crying around 5 am.  mom assumed it was because of the rain storm and went in to comfort him.  his actual complaint was that he'd lost his blankie in the sheets but while there, stover mom realized she'd forgotten to shut his window.  she said- 'oh it's chilly in here- i'd better shut the window!'  stover boy responded 'yeah... i hear the popcorn.' 
...mom laughed hysterically that a child of hers doesn't immediately recognize the sound of raindrops and instead mistakes it for a snack we prepare maybe once a month!   

(a pleasantly clueless look on a cloudy day)


Tammi said...

That may be the sweetest story I have heard. . . Love that boy! Hope his mom is feeling well! So excited to see the newest little girl:)

lindsay said...
