
growth spurt

i'm not talking about the fact that she's already sporting 3-6 mos. clothing (wearing a size ahead is unheard of in this house- excluding mom of course!) instead, i'm referring to her instant bud in development upon return.  now away from total overstimulation (who wouldn't be with all the fun at grandma's house?*), she gives eye contact again and instant smiles, her giggle that was first given to grandpa is heard more often, and she coos constantly!  she even rolled over yesterday!

*all the fun at grandma's pictures:

(besides sparklers, grandpa had the kids standing in line to light their firework of choice)

(stover boy was scaired that dad wasn't coming back)

(with his 80's lifejacket, stover boy could've easily been mistaken for stover dad back in the day)

(all of the family enjoying a lazy fourth at the 'ocean')

(playing at the park in 80% humidity is almost as uncomfortable as playing in 115 degree heat)

(an activity inspired by their favorite movie: let's go fly a kite)

(stover girl's only request for the trip)

(a brother and sister catch-up on the road)

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