
school schmool

stover mom is spending the remaining 12 days until school starts putting on a good face for stover girl but fretting in secret every night.  will she be crying in the lunchroom when she can't open her fruit snacks?*  will she come to me for answers about the real life i've sheltered her from?  how long do i have before she loses my favorite mispronunciations- thlumb (thumb), hide n see (hide n seek), somesing (something), and castigator (calculator) to name a few?

and of course the nagging worries about life according to a school calendar:
will we see extended family as much as we'd like to? how much insanity will result from a 7:30 AM start time? will she and her brother still be buddies? will she still have enough time to play? (the racing with a good friend til you're red in the face with an occasional coloring break kind of play)

*some reassurance came this week when she learned how to put her hair in a ponytail; however, further reassuring comments welcome!


Mama Megs said...

This made me cry!! And their farewell playdate yesterday just about did me in. I might have to steal this post for my blog because trust me, I've been up at nights feeling the same way. The only thing I can say is that they are probibly going to love every minute. It's just us home crying. Maybe we should have a crying-first-day-of-school-playdate ourselves?!!

Tammi said...

This really took me back in time...21 years to be exact. I remember it so vividly. Larkin was still taking naps in the afternoon and you want her to go to school?!?!?! She was a bit nervous and excited on the way. Once there, she played and seemed a bit hesitant. The bell rang and she didn't even look back! I wanted to run and hug her and walk her inside... I was the one with tears, sad but true. I am grateful she didn't see my tears, some parents were totally wailing in front of their munchkins:( I must warn you this was repeated every year when school began at my house. I just never really liked having them gone all day. . . Kindin will do great with her personality. I will be thinking of you and remembering.

Unknown said...

She will love it. And you will learn to. I promise.

Christen said...

I'm right there with you! It is just too soon!

Holly said...

This is Stover Girl we are talking about, she came out of the womb ready for school. You will adjust and enjoy a change in your relationship with stover boy!

Marty said...

How was the first day of school?? Abs is counting down the days!!