
a break from george

stover boy has a problem with baby talk. for no apparent reason with no apparent threat or trigger, he'll begin responding with grunts and 'eeh's rather than answers. it's been a problem for quite some time and stover mom and dad have attacked it with a variety of creative punishments and incentives with no result. out of answers, the standard response has been something like: 'i can't understand baby talk- use your words' (on a good day) or 'stop talking like a baby- you're 3 1/2' (on a bad day). yesterday morning (a good day), i actually got a reply from stover boy: 'i'm not talking like a baby- i'm talking like george.' it finally made sense... my curious george watcher imitating his monkey friend. AND i finally have a solution- my new standard and effective reply will be 'you can't watch curious george if you're going to talk like that.'

(mr monkey dressed up like a 'stranger')

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