
academic giggles

tonight was parent-teacher conferences and the teacher had glowing reviews* for stover girl to include:
1. she has yet to move her bumblebee to yellow (the warning designation for the classroom behavioral system)
2. she is excelling in math

and reading
3. she does take a break from picking up garbage (in the hopes of earning 'panthar bucks') to chase boys around at recess (WHAT?)
4. and she is enjoyable to have in class. 

*of note is one non-glowing remark the teacher had brought up last conference and again mentioned.  apparently, stover girl has laughing spells in class which aren't easily brought under control; and it was reflected in an approaches standard mark for self-control.  the first time i dismissed it but this time, i suggested that perhaps it's time to re-think glowing review #1 and move that bumblebee when said 'lack of self-control' emerges.  we moved on to glance at stover girl's writing samples.  i giggled at what i saw.  okay, i giggled a few times!  (it's just so adorable to see her imagination and illustrations on paper!  she draws pictures endlessly at home but always cutesie things- never anything reflective of real content.)  as i perused, her teacher said, 'i guess i can tell where she gets her laughing spells!'

(for the record, i remember my non-glowing lack of self-control quirks were always labeled 'talks without permission'.)       

and speaking of writing samples... a writing sample left behind that gave me a giggle:

1 comment:

JLJ said...

What a smartie! Counting by 2's is not an easy concept. Maybe she's got her dad's accounting brain?