
i hate you, don't leave me

the aforementioned title is a popular self-help read for anyone dealing or associating with an individual who suffers from borderline personality disorder.  in a nutshell, bpd (for short) is a disorder characterized by polarity of thought and manifests itself in disorganized cycles of relational behavior.  in a very simplistic example, an individual with borderline personality disorder will put a friend on a pedastal thinking she/ he can do no wrong but inevitably and impulsively vascillates to degrading the other for some perceived wrong.  this cycle repeats itself in a variety of relationships until long-term treatment aimed at improving cognitive dissonance is sought.
stover baby is going through her own borderline state currently (aka teething)... and she is driving her mother crazy!  it goes something like this... 'mommm,mmmoooom,mama,maa,ma'  accompanied by lots of crying all while clinging to one or both of mom's pantlegs for dear life!  at which point, she is picked up and the crying immediately stops; however, it is 3 quick seconds before she tries to push away and desperately arches her back to be put down.  upon descent, the crying and 'mommm,mmmoooom, mama, maa, ma' begins again in a cyclical, crazy-making pattern!

in other news:
tonight, stover boy acquired a very serious tone and asked stover girl if he could marry her!  luckily she did not laugh at him as he's been overly sensitive to that lately.
stover girl continues to be obsessed with trying to get her hair to grow all the way down to her bum but for now is satisfied that hers is the longest in the house.       

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