
and so it begins... the first swim of the year

around here, the first swim of the year is quite monumental.  there's a bit of mental preperation that factors in to the decision to begin swimming.  after all, once swimming starts, it's A LOT of it for A VERY LONG time.  stover mom tries to magically time it so that swim season is no longer than half of the year.  after 6 summers here, the optimal factors that seem to indicate that it's time are: the kids have begged to swim a few times, our air conditioner is up and running (which only happens when it reaches 82+ in the house),  and it has hit 90 degrees outside.  this year, it has been an unusually mild spring so today's first swim came much later than normal.

stover boy was so excited as he'd been begging for quite some time.  unfortunately, his excitement got the best of him and he ended up inside the house!

stover girl was unenthusiastic about the thought of playing outside (which is status quo) but ended up really enjoying herself.


and stover baby opted to watch from afar.

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