
bon voy-yada, yada, yada

the stover fam lives in an area and an economy plagued by high home turnover.  thus, we have been blessed to make many amazing friends and cursed to see many of them leave.  after about 4 years of departures, i'm lethargic and numb about it all- almost as if it's a way of life.  but after saying goodbye to aunt jordyn and realizing 5 guests at stover boy's birthday party are leaving within the month, i'm feeling something again.  i'm sad.  and i'm sick of it.  and i'm........ going to keep my chin up.  i'm... grateful i keep up with many of those friends who hold a special place in my heart.  i'm grateful for the rock of my family and our strength because of this trial. and i'm grateful that with turnover comes more possibilities for dear friendships!


lindsay said...

I know it is hard to move because I've done it many times, but I think in many ways it must be harder to be the one who stays behind when others leave. I know you will make more dear friends despite all of the sad departures!

Unknown said...

I haven't had my good cry yet, but it's coming...

Mama Megs said...

I know I know-I'm just waiting to burst into tears on my drive out of town. Even with my house all packed up I still can't believe we're moving. And I can't even bear the thought of leaving you guys :(

Jordyn Parry said...

It was no picnic having to drive away the other day... I nearly turned around a few times, but I figured that would just make things harder for everyone. I hope you guys end up closer! love ya

cookiemonsters said...

Iv'e had my cry's already! Both during sacrament meetings when Craig and Megan were released from there callings! I'm balling like a baby now... maybe midnight isn't the best time so comment but that being said I love the friendships here and hope everyone will keep in contact!