
holy birthday batman

stover boy has been waiting and waiting to turn 4... and he's been waiting and waiting for his batman party!

(the favorite party game: defreezing batman)
(the rocket launcher from aunt jordy was quite a hit!)

(so happy to be 'training' with such great allies)

holy birthday stats:

-he has an automatic smile that everyone is drawn to!
-his desire to pleasant has blossomed
-still uses 'what?' constantly
-he's ready for a bigger bike!
-buckets of tears when dad mentioned that he would be asked to go on a mission: 'i don't want to leave mom' over and over.
-is a very inquisitive little boy- perhaps a future scientist!?
-appears to have little desire to stop thumb-sucking
-paradoxical interventions work like magic with his little personality. i.e. 'is that a frown? i love frowns. don't you dare smile. i'm going to get the camera to get a picture of that great frown.' and receive an instant smile!
-recently, we were talking about heavenly father:
      M: who is heavenly father?
       J: a 'fairy' in 'heaven'
      M: what does he do?
       J: he 'makes everything' cause he has 'power in his hands'
     M: what kinds of things does he make?
      J: 'houses' and 'me' and 'superheros'
     M: wow.  does he even make cakes (trying to be silly)?
      J: 'no' in a serious tone
-always the first to point out anyone he notices smoking.  'mom that guy has a ciger.'
-if he could have his wardrobe wish, it would be that he only owns black, blue or red shirts.

pow... we love you stover boy!

1 comment:

Mama Megs said...

The kids LOVED the party-they went on and on about unfreezing Batman-it was a BIG hit! Thanks for all the fun birthday memories :)