
dolly's* status updates

screams and pushes when anyone else is occupying mom's lap (even siblings)
will NOT keep a bow in to save her life!
lots of jibberish but recognizable words include: 'tees' = keys; 'hi'= hi; 'hiya'= hello; 'mi' = milk, 'buct'= bucket
inherited her brother's amazing amount of earwax
prefers dad over mom
'calma dalia' sung lovingly in parts by mom and sister is the most reliable way to calm this poor car-weary tot!
snubs bananas- what kid doesn't like bananas?
dances by shaking her head back and forth but changes to a sway with a slower beat
now throwing lots of loud tantrums which result in either a drop to the ground or wide-stanced stomping
loves to color with her siblings
is getting 5 teeth in right now = argh!
new must- have: all items with a carrying handle! (spends a large majority of her day transferring toys from a purse of this kind to a sandpail of that kind)
gives an obnoxious fake laugh
her blankie goes everywhere with us
newest nickname is wally
can get up on the couch by herself
runs away from a diaper change and bedtime
and loves to get into mommy's gum!

*please note that i have begun an occasional slip from online aliases...much to my husband's relief!


Jordyn Parry said...

haha I really like 'Wally'

Anita said...

Love that face!!!