
a goodbye of the serious sort

it's time to make a scattered (after all, i can be quite deficient in the verbalization of feelings department) but serious goodbye to the current and former locals who have vicariously blessed the life of every stover member by blessing the life of stover mom: 

goodbye to my stalwart park day friend who serves as official memory holder
goodbye to the friend whose proven worthy to hear my very deepest thoughts ever since our monday night walks
goodbye to kind-hearted friend who recognized my limits to an equally reciprocated friendship
goodbye to a friend who bends over backwards to facilitate last minute babysitting
goodbye to a righteous friend who holds me in much higher esteem than she should
goodbye to my most generous friend who so often shared her talents, time and breakfast cereal
goodbye to a friend whose son's charisma is equal to her own
goodbye to my friend who is an example of the wife i hope to be
goodbye to a friend who moved just before sharing common ground as mommies
goodbye to my friend whose spiritual gift is to celebrate life
goodbye to the friend who so discretely forgave a major mishap under my watch
goodbye to my most organized friend whose focus on her kids influenced me toward better mothering
goodbye to my social work friend who feigns interest in my glory days
goodbye to the most meticulous papercrafter i know
goodbye to my perfectly normal pancake friend who throws her diet for a night of cooking
goodbye to the best yogi i know
goodbye to a flexible friend who makes everyone around her feel special
goodbye to the couple who befriended us immediately
goodbye to a friendship with so much potential but sadly started way too late!
goodbye to a family who taught me so much about service and humility
goodbye to my carpool buddie who seemed to refind my friendship at a very inspired time
goodbye to my most reliable friend whose kids have occupied my kids monday mornings for years
goodbye to my 'sugar sweet' friend who overlooked my poor phone manners
goodbye to my young at heart confidant

...on behalf of the rest of the stover family, goodbye to 'my best, best, best friend' and 'miss z' per stover girl; goodbye to my toys per stover boy (i think that misunderstanding is all cleared up now); and goodbye to the best utimate frisbee league ever per stover dad.


Christen said...

I hadn't heard that you were moving. Bittersweet, right? Now I'm going to have to figure out where you are landing!

Julie said...

You are awesome and will be missed! Good luck with everything and PLEASE keep in touch!

Mama Megs said...

Hmmm....I still trying to guess who everyone was!! GOOD LUCK and have a wonderful time!!! Love ya!

Anonymous said...

Good luck with the move and you be missed!