
second day

kindin missed her first day of first grade due to a nasty fever. 

but, there's a lot to be said about attending the second day of school rather than the first, right? you get to show up in your fancy first day duds while others are already wearing the graphic tees their moms despise, you get front door service while everyone else is getting a measly curb drop, you get a pronounced introduction rather than a quick mention during a name game...
...here's to a great second day!



Mama Megs said...

Oh gosh that outfit looks adorable on her! And you did a bow-yeah!!!!! So proud of you mama!

Renee said...

Wonderful picture and SMILE!! Please give her (and jack, and dalia) a huge kiss and hug from Omi! Love you all so much!

Christen said...

What a cutie! Can't believe our first babies are in 1st grade!