
a bit egocentric

my almost 2 yr old has developed a rather nasty egocentric habit... all names have an -ia ending just like hers.  mommy, for instance, is now said 'mommia' and the other members of our house are 'daddia', 'jackia', and 'kinia'.  all sorts of inanimate objects also get this distinction.  poop is lovingly referred to as 'poopia' and owies are almost always known as 'owias'



other funny quirks from miss egocentric include:

she recognizes and names all numbers as '1,2,9'- 9 being her favorite
cutest language quirks: blankie is 'boinkie' and boots are 'bonts' with a long o
she demands a kiss from her dad when he leaves every morning
has begun wanting to do everything independently- including picking her wardrobe
sleeps with a blankie AND a baby every night
mimics mom's scolding
asks for a piece of gum at least 4x/ day
has learned to push and shove
when having one of those days, she repeats 'i don't want it' over and over and louder and louder
and, from the looks of these recent photos, she has true toddler ragamuffin fashion!


Unknown said...

that's the greatest thing everia!

JLJ said...

The face in that last picture is incredible. It is the sweetest sad face I have ever seen. Her left eyebrow goes down just perfect. How can you resist giving in?