
suspicious mispronunciations

mr kindergarten roundup (seen below) has recently been diagnosed with some hearing loss in one ear. therefore, this summer, we are wading through earwax, nasal sprays, and specialists to problemsolve before he's off to school.  as our only boy, we'd dismissed the feelings that he maybe wasn't hearing us because that's 'just how boys are'...  and we'd even been told the same from his pediatrician.  but there began to be too many mispronunciations (candy sore instead of canker sore, whimpy cushion instead of whoopy cushion, and humpback cars instead of pushback cars) to overlook.  and it seemed he was always trying to guess what we'd just said to him.  there were also frequent uses of the word 'what' as well as an occasional handcup over his ear.  truth be told, his suspicious mispronunciations coupled with his can-do attitude have become quite endearing.  (not to mention that knock out pre- k smile!)



JLJ said...

Oh man! Poor buddy trying so hard to hear you :( I know what you are saying with the 'just how boys are' thing. There are many times I wonder if I should be concerned or if it's 'just how boys are.' Jack is going to be great Kindergarten!

Tammi said...

I will never forget when our David learned to read and asked Frankie, "why is there an "L" in wan mart? Lots of ear issues for him . . . Love the picture of jack btw! It is like going back in time and seeing your David as a little guy! Love you all!