
a friend for all ages

over the last two years, this mama has been feeling age creeping in!  while i'm not going to describe the objective and subjective observations that validate said aging, I did recently divulge to my dear friend who I was recently able to reconnect with.  after all, amber has gone through so many important  milestones  with me- everything from math 119 at byu to grad school and from 2003 weddings to 2006 babies (and even subsequents).  we've celebrated lots of zany birthdays together and have even been roommates a couple times*!  so it feels like she really has been through it all with me.  after all of my whining, I felt so refreshed when she said, "I'm not ever considering botox!"  Oh thank you dear friend for embracing another life stage with me!
*roomies in phoenix!

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