
another parenting blunder

about 6 months ago, stover girl had an overly irrational tantrum resulting in the loss of a beloved polly pocket.  stover girl was stunned and devastated when she realized that polly pocket's fancy attire also went in the garbage!  for mom, sometimes this scenario elicits satisfaction- a knowledge that the punishment was truly punishing.  but this time, stover mom's heart began bleeding.  nonetheless, sympathetic mom 'dug her heels in' and polly pocket sat in the 'garbage' (aka the top shelf of the kitchen cupboard) for many months.  this morning, (while nesting and) while alone... mom found the polly and elected to nonchalantly stash it amidst a pile of unsorted toys.  within 5 minutes, stover girl made a discovery and announced 'hey this is the polly pocket that got throwed away! how did this happen?'  stover mother was shocked that she'd remembered this 1 polly among more than 20 and then speculated about what answer to provide.  in the end, she elected to plea the fifth and let her wonder. 


lindsay said...

Isn't it funny how they remember EVERYTHING? I mean, I can't remember what I did last week, but Leah can remember things from almost 2 years ago! Oh, and I love this picture of you and stover girl!

Shirley said...

Oh man. I think that will be hard for me to do, follow through with punishments that involve throwing away toys that I paid money for. Heh. I think Greg will be better at sticking to that kind of thing. He'll even do it to me. :)