
i have a confession....

i absolutely love being on the back of my hubby's motorcycle. 

it's a rather unexpected hobby for this quite nerdy and very conservative mom.  it was not an automatic interest- for 5 years, i ignored stover dad's request for a motorcycle.  after finally giving in, i spent the next year feeling unimpressed by his silly, overindulged purchase.  and then, in an impulsive moment, i consented to ride with an intention to prove him wrong.  i argued that i'd been on a motorcycle before and hadn't liked it.
...however, there was something indescribable about us talking together through helmets and observing a normal drive with an unblocked view.  i loved it even though it ruined my hairdo and caused me to reek horribly of gasoline fumes.  my interest kept building and we eventually began taking the motorcycle as our mode of transportation for most dates. 
i confess....we've now evolved into the motorcycle often being THE actual date.  just this weekend, i giggled after arranging a teenage babysitter for one hour so that we could enjoy a quick ride!    


Renee said...

I gotta say....you look MUCH more dangerous than the motorcycle!! Glad that you are both enjoying it, but know that I cringe whenever I think of the two of you riding that!! Love you both!

christy said...

i'm shocked!!!!
i love it though, glad that you've come around to your husband's way of the motorcycle.
miss you tons!
hope to get down there soon. my sister is having a baby in a couple months so hopefully around then.