
a case of the nerves

this week, stover girl got her booster shots in preperation for kindergarten.  she was a bit nervous but knew the perks involved in going to the doctor- the playground, a try at the stethoscope, and getting a special toy.  this week, stover girl also went with mom to submit enrollment paperwork.  she was a lot of nervous for this and didn't seem to buy into the perks of school attendance. (mom mentioned no more quiet time, taught her all about recess, and informed her she'd get to study music and art.)  she kept repeating 'i don't want to go to school' and 'why do i have to go to school?' and held an extra tight grip on mom's hand.
...don't worry little case of nerves- mom secretly feels the exact same way but will fake a great game of school in order to get this smile back on your face!


Holly said...

Definitely never too young or too old to be nervous about starting school! She'll do great!

Jennie Ellison said...

kadyn was super nervous, too. good luck!! it will help if reagan is in her class, right?

Renee said...

DON'T DO IT, KINDIN---it'll never end......stay home and play and have treats and go shopping with your mom..... :)