
"i getting bigger and bigger and big"

almost unnoticed, except that we're constantly reminded, stover boy has become 'a bigga boy'.  sure enough all the hallmarks are there:  verbalizes 'that hurt my feeilngs', cuts with scissors, goes to nursery sans blankie, opens his own fruit snacks, can pump on the swing, capable of dressing self (whether or not he actually does), follows directions to eat 3 more bites, picks up toys without being given specific courses of action (whether or not he actually does), is potty-trained, able to buckle and unbuckle his carseat, uses flouride toothpaste and...

performs headstands (which we found out he's been practicing from off the edge of his bed).


Shanda said...

sounds like you've got a smarty pants on your hands there! he is always so sweet when i pop into nursery =) what a great little guy!

Renee said...

SO cute....you might call me biased, but I'm not! Really anxious to see you 4 3/4 guys!