
iron deficiency

have you ever detoured to the tire section of walmart just to partake of the smell?  have you ever lingered a bit longer in your garage to take in the sweet smell of a car with new tires?  have you ever been upset that your husband took said sweet smelling car to work leaving you instead with the old-wheeled, normal smelling motorcycle?  have you ever felt like licking a tire but didn't because you were concerned you might actually like the taste?

(photo: courtesy of stover girl)

...don't even get me started on the sultry aroma of spray paint, the lure of mylar balloons, and the delicious scent of nail polish!


Elisa said...

Ha ha! Maybe they have a smell anonymous group you can join. I would love to see the crowd that draws.

Elisa said...

An aside... when are you guys going to decide you can't possibly live anywhere but Salt Lake. We are sending happy thoughts your way hoping they will catch on.

lindsay said...

Look how cute you look! And tell stover girl, she has a promising future in photography!

Elisa said...

BTW, you look really good, really, REALLY good as a brunette. Wow!

Sarah boo said...

I've always loved the smell of spilled gasoline at the gas station.

Tammi said...

I had a friend who really did eat dirt when she was pregnant - kind of grossed me out but . . . You look amazing and I am really hoping you feel great too!

Shanda said...

do you go through this with all of your pregnancies? I read about this, but it is still so foreign to me!

Alyssa and Nate said...

This is called Pica, and some people do this even when they're not pregnant, yum!