
the stylish sneezer

if jack were given a superhero name, it would be 'the stylish sneezer'! (which he may need when he grows up as his only current ambition is to in fact be a superhero!)
stylish because jack has become incredibly interested in having good hair.  it began with him asking mom to style it like a 'rockstar' or 'moviestar' whenever we left the house.  he then began practicing himself and it has grown into a checking and rechecking at least 4-5 times a day currently.  just yesterday, he came out of the bathroom huffing and puffing- 'hummmph... i just can't get the right style i want!'  let it be known, he likes having cool hair. 
sneezer because, without fail and like clockwork, jack breaks into a series of at least 4 and sometimes as many as 12 consecutive sneezes at the breakfast table.  with it comes cereal bits spewing everywhere.  it frustrates him with every clean-up but it has become legendary comedy every morning.

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