
a baby birth order

the birth order psychologists are geniuses.  I catch myself being over-critical of my oldest.  I find myself buying into the unfairness my middle child feels and I see signs all the time that dolly is treated as the baby of the family.  today, when finally implementing quiet time with her after being napless for the better part of a year, I realized it was another time I'm clearly raising the baby of the family.

...and, while we are at it, another sign I'm raising the baby of the family:  sunday church shoes on a Monday.


Elisa said...

Oh my! She is adorable. I find myself doing the same.

Unknown said...

I find myself losing ground on the church shoe weekly-wear dilemma with Lex as well, and she's not even my youngest. Thankfully, though, chances are that Spence will not be addicted to church shoes when he is her age...