
what ails us

the silly little things that ail us:  (and I do mean silly and little!)

keeping up with our first child's extra-curriculars... dabbling in gymnastics, armchair piano lessons (dad has successively helped her play 4 primary songs), and boys!  

a realization that our kids won't always think we are fun and cool... below, extracting every single second out of Saturdays with our kids while they DO still think we're cool.  (our most recent weekend at the home depot workshop and then the circus!)  jack's face suggests we might be running out of time!?

a case of huge adenoids and increasing earaches...

a somewhat painful student debt repayment...
and a plan to improve our very long sunday mornings... including journal writing about the drama of the 'B.L.A.K.E.S.' performance group scheduled for spring 2015.

the demand for Wednesday night performances for young women...
and vacilating weather extremes...


Elisa said...

I need to take lessons from you. Your Sunday schedule is blowing my mind.

Unknown said...

Love the idea for your Sunday mornings. We have 1:00 church, too, and so far all that seems to happen all morning is lots and lots of fighting.
p.s. Lex totally has the same Old Lady leggings that Dolly has.