
8 and gr8

she's eight!  and she's great!

in honor of her upcoming baptism, the festivities were planned to be low-key.  but as my child who puts her heart and soul into everyone else's birthdays (decorating with homemade confetti & spending her every cent on birthday gifts), i was happy so many made her feel special!.  her grandma threw her a cousins party, she played lazertag and arcade games with friends, omi sent THE gift she wanted (frozen dvd), she sported a darling birthday dress, got psuedo-mature gifts like: a caboodle filled with makeup and a justice purse, and ended the day with painting!


Unknown said...

8 years old is NOT allowed! I think she will always be somewhere between 5 and 6 in my mind...

Elisa said...

Hooray! We'll have to do a skype soon so we can wish her a happy birthday face to face (sort of)
Love you guys!

JLJ said...

8? Really? Is she really 8? I know the pictures do show her looking more grown up and I suppose enough time has passed, but I can't help that she's stuck at age 6 in my mind. I can't wait to see the baptism pictures!