
it's a boating 'thang'

on a recent youth boating trip, i found myself overwhelmingly missing dave.  and i just couldn't shake it!  i was a bit surprised by my feelings as i've been boating plenty without dave and we are both fairly independent people- rarely upset about short separations.  but the more i thought about it, boating is kinda our 'thang'.  much more so than fireworks from our july 4th i love you exchanges. much more so than ultimate frisbee or scum from our first meet.  much more so than johnny carinos or the ring from our first date.  much more so than backgammon from our first anniversary.  i suppose our engagement at lake powell sealed our boating companionship forever - oh how i love this boating companion of mine!    
ps... why don't we have a boat yet???     

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I don't know, but let us know when you get one...it never hurts to have a friend with a boat. ;)