
a more reverent Halloween (10/2020)

David has a hidden affinity for Halloween. He hides it with procrastination, but inevitably on October 30, he's searching for last minute options. Some years I play along... but sometimes he has irreverent fun on his own. Like this politically charged costume back when we lived in a very poor ward in Phoenix and I was the RS president handling welfare:

2018 was a clever couples costume. On the heels of having 3rd hour church overhauled, we dressed up as the 3rd hour protestor and the 3rd hour killer.

In 2020, we decided to be punny and got a win with Mr. and Mrs. Potato Head. (Complete with a couch potato decorated trunk and potato chips as treats.) There may or may not have been some bias for a bishop win!?

other memorable years:

2017: (Price is Right contestants)

2019: (glammed up for an 80s themed Halloween)

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