
deja vu

while putting stover girl to bed the other night, i re-arranged her blanket and discovered some stuffed animals hiding underneath.  i glanced at her and she said 'i was going to hide them; i wanted to have more than just my baby with me tonight.'  i immediately chuckled remembering my own bed full of animals all situated neatly in a row.  i remembered my stuffed animals net which held all my treasured friends.  and i thought of my own mother's sympathy to my cause as a child... her many nights of rescuing animals that had drifted from my bed.  with a smile i said 'i used to sleep with about 7 or 8 stuffed animals when i was a girl...go ahead!'

and while we're on the topic... any deja vu moments evoked by this little man's nighttime outfit?


Unknown said...

Hmmm...does he know there's a bunch of college guys on the couch behind him...?

lindsay said...

love the new family picture! you all look great!