
bathroom curiosities

stover boy has voiced lots of bathroom curiosities* lately. the other day, he said, 'i want to wipe my bum on my own'. i then proposed what seemed most natural- that stover boy would begin practicing wiping his bum but still asking for mom's assistance to check. he thought about it for a second and said, 'i know... how about i wipe YOUR bum?'

*others include: asking for more specific terminology than just 'privates', telling dad he thinks he would like to go to the bathroom 'that way' and multiple attempts to do so, standing on the toilet seat singing dora tunes at the top of his lungs, and sitting on the bare rim of the toilet while using the seat as a necklace.

while obnoxious and sometimes disgusting, he has yet to outdo his sister's infamous curiosity in which she was discovered mid-process in what appeared to be a rather established habit of wiping her front privates, her bum and then a swoosh across her nose in one quick swipe.


Unknown said...

I'd like to borrow that necklace of his sometime...

Marty said...

Sounds like our little man. Except he hasn't discovered the necklace!! NICE!!

Shirley said...

He looks like a mini-David! Except David probably doesn't have food all over his face . . .

Toilet seat necklace made me laugh. :)