
off to kinder

blurbs from a weird, surreal day aka stover girl's first day of school:

-she was bubbling with excitement but quiet once we arrived.
-stover girl enjoyed a full night's rest while stover mom awoke twice to stover boy standing at her beside in the wee hours of the eve before school.
-mom's first impression of her teacher was that she seemed frazzled but comfort came when stover girl's seat assignment was close to 3 fabulous, righteous influences.
-stover girl asked 'mom can you give me a kiss before you go?'
-if only i'd caught a picture of the lingering hug stover boy gave before sister left.
-stover mom cried much more in anticipation of the big day than on the actual day.
-mom kept accidentally calling baby by stover girl's name.
-allowing stover kids to have what was previously restricted as 'daddy's cereal' for a quick breakfast fill-up
-D&C 130:18 helped mom through the day
-within the first few moments of her absence, stover boy and mom realized neither of us had been the constructers of the toy car garage

-stover boy exhibited behavior void of 'acting like a stinkas' and engaged in conversation without any attention-getting uses of the word 'what?'.
-the principal seems to have gained celebrity status already
-stover girl was extremely chatty with details about problems that 'wasn't me'.
-within one hour of her return, mom was again refereeing the kids and within two hours of her return, they were playing school
-these two will now begin a friendship

-lunch worries topped the list: stover girl was overly concerned with finishing hers in the allotted time, stover mom wondered and wandered in the store trying to find the perfect items for a meal at school, and stover boy insisted on eating his lunch from a lunchbox too. in the end, stover girl ended up independently electing to eat the school's lunch!
-her initial report was 'everything was perfect' and 'can you believe i went 7 hours without going potty?'
-grateful for a morning full of well-wishes texts and phonecalls from stover fam fans

-her teacher reported 'she had a good day'
-stover girl loved recess the most and connected with a girl named sadie.
-mother was instructed immediately by student how to correctly place all papers in the school folder
-'whew... school was hard work' exclaimed at least 10 times


Unknown said...

So glad you all made it through! The weirdest part is when this all becomes "normal." (p.s. I had a feeling she'd be the class informant...) :)

Mama Megs said...

Haha! Girls give out so much more information then boys-all I got was "it was fun!" No class informant here-count your blessings!

Marty said...

YAY! So glad that the day went well by all! By the way I love your family picture!

Jill said...

First day of school!!!! EXCITING!!! She looks so cute in her uniform!!! Can't believe she's so grown-up...I still remember her wandering the Primary room while you were chorister :) Time flies!