
she walks

she also:
- looks down over a shrugged shoulder when shy, upset, or in trouble
- can click her tongue
- pulls out all hairbows
- is packed and ready to move in with sister
- has 2 front teeth poking through her gums 
- runs to her bath
- scolds as she talks with a pointed finger and thumb (as though signing the letter 'L')
- is a jaw clencher (her mouth is always in the shape of an 'O')
- babbles using tons of slurs and consonants


DP said...

and yes, she means 'racial slurs'

Christen said...
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Christen said...

Blake barely even stands on his own. He's such a chicken. ;) Baby Stover sure is cute and I want to see her scolding you - that sounds funny.

lindsay said...

Oh she is so cute! I want to squeeze her!

Renee said...

SO wonderful! All the pics of everyone are great....love you all!