
you win some, you lose some

it seems that no matter what lunch or dinner entre is prepared... one of my kids is happy about it and the other is not.  stover girl loves turkey sandwiches, stover boy does not.  stover boy loves chicken nuggets, stover girl does not. etc, etc, etc!  tonight's dinner was no exception; stover girl got her favorite cream cheese chix recipe and she was ecstatic.  (see proof below)

stover boy, on the other hand, was not.  he bowed his head in prayer and said 'Father, don't like it.'  then immediately left the table. 

 *of note: breakfast is an exception at our house- go figure, they can both agree on quite a variety of sugary cereals!


Unknown said...

hee hee hee. so sad. so insanity-provokingly 7true.

Unknown said...

sorry for the typo. one of my insanity-provokers is trying to help me type.

lindsay said...

haha...Parker does this to me all the time. I hand him his dinner plate, and he pushes it away, saying "I don't like soup (or whatever it is)." Sigh. At least 1 of 2 likes what you serve. Often times all 3 of mine refuse to eat what I make for dinner!