
a museum of snow

our first snow day was a day of discovery- it was like paid entry to a museum! while out running errands, the kids saw snowplows for the first time, wondered what the guy at the grocery store was doing when sprinkling salt, and warned mom to drive carefully- 'especially on the hills'!  we played outside for hours and accomplished all the essential snow activities: sledding, shoveling, snowball fights, snowmen and snowangels, and eating snow.  we woke up to a snow day from school and the kids watched with wonder as snowblowers cleared driveways.  they were amazed with the untouched blanket of snow and almost had to be tied to their chairs to finish a french toast breakfast.  pajamas were hidden under layers of snow clothes and another round of exploration in the 'bright' backyard began. forts were built and smiles abounded.

...mom is now busily dealing with the price of admission to said snow museum- cleaning the house of wet slushiness!   

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Who needs dirt when there's snow?? I'll watch for the post when everyone there is sick of snow, and then you can look forward to me complaining about triple digits in April. miss you!