
it started with a whisper

whispers are the window to jack's soul.  i know what's on his mind according to his whispers.  i know if he is trying to remember a task from mom because he whispers it over and over to himself until it's done.  he gives encouragement and positive self talk to himself in a whisper too.  for instance, mom says, 'no screen time now.'  jack can be heard whispering something like, 'mom said no.  i want screen time.  screen time will be after school with kindin.'  all schoolwork is accompanied by lots and lots of whisper reminders.  and his solitary play is usually in quiet whispers: batman fights villians under his breath; lego towers are built with barely audible instructions; and cars crashes happen in hushed tones.

ps. the only other form of knowing for jack is the mood chart magnet intended for his sister (whose lack of emotional 'whispering' is sometimes concerning).  kindin doesn't touch it but jack checks in almost daily!    


JLJ said...

I'm ordering that mood chart right NOW! #1 could use some help expressing her emotions.... if she has any. She's my little stoic.

Unknown said...

Maybe I should get one of those charts so that my kids will know when to leave me alone. :)