
suckala, stink eye, and a sense of rhythm

will now gladly jump up on the lap of another
'chocola' (chocolate) and 'suckala' (sucker) are her favorite snacks
always refers to herself by her full name rather than her nickname dolly
Overheard saying "whoa that is awesome"
a blanket or milk goes everywhere with her
readily allows 'kini' (kindin) to take care of her but requires some warming first to jack
can sort the laundry with 90% accuracy
her chompers are larger than her siblings'
almost every character/ picture/ cartoon is 'jesus'
her hair is out of control
she has her own room temporarily because she kept calling out for her sister (who couldn't help but keep responding)
she has a great sense of rhythm
is acutely aware of the names of her siblings friends and refers to them by name during playdates
often found talking on pretend phones
sweetly says 'i lub you' before bed but is capable of one, mean stink eye

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